Historian Nicholas Mulder predicts—and hopes—that many policy changes to meet the pandemic will become permanent. They basically track the movement of 9MM people via their smartphones in proximity to each other. Let’s start with a couple facts before we consider how far we’re willing to let the State squash our liberties. Yes we need to push back hard. In considering this question, review three types of surveillance-physical, electronic and data-and see how each type works. Permission to travel or enter public spaces depended on that code even as the software also tracked their whereabouts and shared data on users' phones with the authorities. An Interesting and Thought-Provoking Course. This lecture explores the benefits and challenges of anonymity for individuals and for society, delving into issues such as the freedom of political speech and the privacy of personal searches and communication. The future looks very closely scrutinized, all for our own health. If surveillance powers continue to grow along with an ongoing crisis, you can only assume that the sophistication and intrusiveness of that surveillance will also grow. The state thrives from any real or (as in this case) manufactured “crisis”, so it’s to be expected that each part of the government will reach for more power and control. Historian Nicholas Mulder predicts—and hopes—that many policy changes to meet the pandemic will become permanent. But NOW they are honest, capable, and care about you? Heard the saying about the rubber meeting the road? The government and private industries are using a vast cache of information about each of us: our travel patterns, our web browsing habits, our purchasing preferences, and more. Maybe we will make friends ?? This is mass hysteria and cooler heads will not prevail. Hell let’s bring them all !!!!! A sort of realtime Google timeline. I don’t really see a more viable alternative. The rationales for surveillance are easy to understand, within certain limits. The Stasi State powers after 9/11 didn’t go away. Do Originalists Ignore the Reconstruction Amendments? Under what President was it discovered that the government was storing the phone records of every American? A very good course - My only negative is that it was recorded in 2013 which made the content a bit out of date. Indeed. They’re promising it’s just the Temporarily Invasive Powers, I’m sure we can trust them. But long after the virus has done its worst and moved on, we're likely to be stuck with these invasions of our privacy—unless we push back, hard. Expect the surveillance State to grow considerably to “protect the nation” against waves 2, 3, and 4 of the virus. "We will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications.". Shedding blood also has a history of undesirable results.