Twilight: "Who saids we can't just give Flurry another Christailing? Svengallop: Not to mention that foolish farmer pony! Sing was seen fighting against Great Master Viper! Dr. Nefarious gets smacked in the face By Boss Wolf's hammer, breaking his metal face and leaving a scar! WHERE ELSE ARE THEY SUPPOSE TO GO?! Sandy: (Still holding Flurry Heart) But I'm sure little Flurry-Wurry would like to hear our stories as soon as she gets older. You ruined my career as a manitger and the perks that came with it, you robbed Wind Rider of his career and his record, and Eureka of his career and his fortune.". ", Merlin: "I think you'll be shocked to know, we actselly did consider that, case we have reinforcements of our own! Ratchet and his pathetic backpack mate are next in Death Battle! Chrysalis: (Growls angrily) SO MANY MOMENTS OF HARD WORK, WASTED!!! Chrysalis: But it's worth a shot, isn't it? We need to rest this off like a bad dream. Thor. Mirage: (As she took several blows from Flurry Heart) DOAH, DAH, AAHH, OWCH, GAAAH, (Flurry Heart did one last blow to her back) HRAAAHH!! Wilson also starred in the sequels Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (1995) and Wing Commander: Prophecy (1997) and contributed his voice to the animated series Wing Commander Academy (1996) in the same role. The Heroes and Shining and Candence teleported away! Well, then we'd better act fast, because we got dibs! And the show's title was initially SpongeBoy Ahoy!. Shining Armor: And we feel that... Well... Max: WAIT, LET ME GUESS! Dr. Eureka: "Tecnecally, I gotten over my personal rivalry with Whooves and-". My senses are going off the charts with her power. Someone get the ship ready! Sunburst: Everypony thought I was a fool. The character played by Wilson was Major Todd "Maniac" Marshall, a fellow starfighter pilot of Hamill's character. His name is Doctor Malpractice. Stresskies are something that gives ponies a lot of trouble. So be it, your majusty.". The Unicorn Council is REALLY not going to show any mercy on you and Rider. ", SpongeBob: Dirt's good enough! Tell me the truth, or I'll have to extend your suspension to 4 weeks! Squidward: Just adopt a kid, stupid! Jellies!" Thunderclap: "Ok, ok! Eagle Crunch! [Squidward peeks out his door to make sure SpongeBob is not around] Squidward: It's too quiet. I rather we do this one step at a time. Shining Armor: Maybe, but besides the Lodgers and my sister's friends, they're all we've got. ", Hades: "As much as I prefer to not mess with god babies after how BADLY the attempt with Hercules went, why not? This baby belongs to Team Nefarious as our replacement to Blueblood as an Alicorn ally. Well, look who decided to play after all. Xerxes looks in surprise of the Villain Leage ship leaving. Snakemantis: Now THAT'S more like it! ", Blot: "Oh is that it, eh? Cobra: "The High Council ALWAYS have a bad habit of giving the Lougers back-up when it's not appresiated back in the old days!