She wanted to leave Humboldt since Dec 28 and cops were okay with it. It’s hard to know without further research whether they killed DeVine primarily as a witness to the attack on Brandon, or out of anti-black animus — but not hard to guess that his race made him easier for Nissen to kill. In 2007, Nissen made a surprise announcement that he, and not Lotter, actually fired the bullets that killed Brandon Teena, Phillip Devine, and Lisa Lambert.Lotter demanded a new trial on that basis, but he never got one. That’s what Lotter and Nissen believed as well. In Ca 10 years ago, it cost an extra $90,000 per inmate to imprison someone sentenced to death. I’ve seen john lotter’s interviews and there is no way he doesn’t know right from wrong. How much bad luck are you going to have until you realize it aint luck at all? God rest their souls. Tom Nissen has a great mask of sanity, and all of the journalists talk to him to get information. Lisa Lambert's son Tanner Lambert graduated from Falls City High School in 2011, and was raised by his aunt. Lana Tisdel testified in Court that she saw both, Teena Brandon and Tom Nissen, for the first time at the Oasis Bar, and it appears that the two were there together. Lotter applied for a license to marry Jeanne Bissonnette, 50, of Lakewood, Washington, in 2013, according to the Omaha World Herald. For what? PHYSICALLY No car struck me, but a cop did hit me on the forearm with his nightstick. I agree with Jude. “Intellectual” is a bit kind: more probably prisoner/murderer fetishism (hybristophilia – a paraphilia (ie, sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviours, or individuals) in which sexual arousal/facilitation/attainment of orgasm are responsive to/contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage such as rape or murder.) Second, read the account of Teena and her gay cousins in the Village Voice article, then see her gay cousins testimony in the Brandon Teena story – how Teena would disappear for a couple of hours and come back with food, $200 – $300, and it would be his. THAT MADE A On December 19, 1993, Teena was arrested for forging checks; Tisdel paid his bail. Rest in peace, Brandon, Lisa, and Philip. John Lotter is a very violent criminal. This week, we’ll take a little sabbatical from Forensic Files to observe the 25th anniversary of Brandon Teena’s murder — a true-crime case little known outside of Nebraska until Hollywood came knocking. His ex-pal Thomas Nissen is serving his sentence of life without parole plus 24 years at Lincoln Correctional Center. Tenna is an old American West name, a girl’s name. Lotter, whose criminal record traces back to a 1987 theft and escape conviction at age 16, occupies a cell on death row in the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution. Don’t you all find it strange, how the punitive legal franchise inherited from England that bullies and mishandles us all and stands beside the same Cabals Central banking scam is still called the “Crown Temple Franchise” and how it was forever passed through the ages Intact? Teena was an awesome girl! Scholar Susan Stryker, who might be called the dean of trans studies, recently told me by email, “One of the things that made the murder so tragic is that Brandon was so young, still figuring himself out, and we will never know what path his future would have taken. All rights reserved. First, A Teen. If you look closely, you will see some high school level lit about the medieval knights and Christmas, a photocopied notebook, and another notebook, into which Teena is writing. A few days later, on New Year's Eve 1993, Lotter and Nissen came to the Tisdel residence drunk and looking for Teena, and threatened the Tisdel sisters. A few days later, Tisdel’s friends John Lotter (Tisdel’s ex-boyfriend) and Tom Nissen forcibly stripped Brandon and forced Tisdel to look at his genitals; then they kidnapped, raped, and beat him, and subsequently killed him. She was right. Between the time she got kicked out of her prep school and the time the military finally rejected her, she could have gotten a GED (Graduation Equivalency Diploma). What you tolerate, you had better be prepared to suffer. If that town was burned to the ground it would be an improvment. Boys Don’t Cry is a fantasy has nothing in common with real events. Both men forced their way inside and murdered Teena, Lambert, and DeVine with fatal gunshot wounds. Teena Brandon and Nissen drove to Lincoln, NE together on more than one occasion, once for Teena’s Court appearance, and another time to see Teena’s sister to get some money. Woman Who Posed As a Man Is Found Slain With 2 Others. Lotter and Nissen, portrayed by actors Peter Sarsgaard and Brendan Sexton III, were already in prison for murder by the time the movies came out. But I do think it’s a waste of time and resources to cut a plea deal with one to get a death penalty for the other…because Lotter would obviously want to appeal on that basis. etc. This article from the Village Voice Archive was posted on June 20, 2018, More:Brandon Teenafrom the archivespridetransgender rights, The Trial of the Chicago 7: The Ringmaster is Sitting on the Bench, The Trial of the Chicago 7: Bobby Seale Case, Rudy Giuliani and Roger Ailes: Cold Fusion, “White men are no longer the whole against which we measure all the parts, but one more angry special interest group. Cost is now certainly an issue in DP debate – as it should be. He’s no Neil deGrasse Tyson, but he speaks distinctly, enunciating “evidentiary hearing” perfectly well, for example. and its from within the power structure (ie: the 2 boys in Arkansas murdered then put on the train tracks. For years, I have wanted to apologize for what I now understand, with some shame, was the article’s implicit anti-trans framing. So I don’t get why states allows a inmate to marry. But a week … His father had died at age 19 in an alcohol-related car accident when Brandon’s mother was still pregnant with him. Except, what homework? — RR. Their rights are completely taken away. During the night when he was being hazed in, the entire club turned on him, and spent the night drinking, beating on and berating the newcomer. Without spelling it out, the article cast Brandon as a lesbian who hated “her” body because of prior experiences of childhood sexual abuse and rape. New development. Its a disgrace on many levels. It’s amazing looking over my reporting notes from 1994, seeing what I chose to emphasize, what I left out and forgot, what never registered. He started dating Lana Tisdel, and found a family of sorts in her inner circle of friends, including John Lotter and Marvin “Tom” Nissen. There’s no points for dumb. See the difference? Behind the coffin is Teena’s gay cousin and two other cousins who look like him. A woman who had posed as a man and dated women was found shot to death on Friday, two weeks after residents of this rural area learned her true identity, the authorities said today. In that Lotter sounds like dedicated Taliban fanatics, who readily accept skinning infidels alive or some other such violence. One of Lisa's friends described Lisa's dilemma: "Everyone in Humboldt knew about Brandon. When Lotter and Nissen found out that their recently acquired drinking buddy — who was dating Lotter’s former flame Lana Tisdel — was actually a woman whose real name was Teena Brandon, they became enraged. Also, lesbians and straight men had been in a kind of cultural competition for decades over who truly made the better lovers for women. Where this matter comes most importantly into play is in the piece’s ending. Tisdel was often put into the position of having to defend Brandon, even at one point lying to authorities and telling them she had seen him naked and saw his penis, in hopes they would leave him alone. Tisdel sued the creators of Boys Don't Cry for using her name and likeness without permission, and the suit was settled out of court. There does seem to have been some resentment — or at least ambivalence — operating in the fact that he often paid for these presents by fraudulently charging them to the recipients’ own credit cards, or by forging their checks. R: Fourteen states have no minimum age at which children can be prosecuted as adults, according to the Equal Justice Initiative. Apparently an act Teena put on for Lana. That, then, reflects a capacity to reason, to ‘scheme’ – and to that degree militates against the notion that they should not be considered culpable. Evil men have made everyone secondary to mathematical artifice that is a compound interest scam and that aint freedom, that’s slavery worse than any fuedal system before the Magna Carta and they’ve made it so Lawyers swear an oath not to tell you the truth of of a totally corrupt system, so you in fact pay for their freedom and theft of an entire planet, and poor old Brandon is just another symptom of the intentional pressure they’ve put on everyone from a once proud and basically Christian Democracy that if it got its crap in order could drill em a new one (a Christian democracy which incidentally banned compound interest usury on pains of death so of course they are going to try and distort the truth of that scenario) and was murdered in 63 and most likely by those you helped but think they own you. Nissen has admitted to pulling the trigger at various points and has changed his story to saying lotter did…when it has suited him to do so…ie to get a plea deal and avoid the death penalty. My impression was that this was about a girl posing as a boy as an experiment..! It’s a shame you don’t have a donate button! They could have taught her to handle domestic violence while she was at the psychiatric hospital, but the professionals were sub standard. Feelings do not make a round planet flat or anything essentially untrue, ie: a lie, true, but it won’t stop them blurring the line; and I do feel for the victim. When Boys Don't Cry was released, she petitioned Nebraska movie theatre owners to not show the film. The concept of ‘hate crime’ makes no sense whatsoever – it’s just crime; and to suggest that some crimes are worse because of the (usually supposed) motive is as unintelligent as it is offensive to those suffering grief in consequence of supposed ‘lesser’ murders. After that murder, American jailers were no longer allowed to lock up under age prisoners with grown ups. In particular, I conjectured that Brandon’s long-term sexual abuse by an uncle and a rape in high school had led him to abjure his “female” genitals and breasts. They were referring to her as ‘thing’ in jail. Just pointed out that you agree with Lotter and Nissen.