I didn't mean to say it, especially over something so trivial! Ever heard of the expression: "hell on earth"? MacRae is killed by a now fully regenerated Julia, and Kirsty is knocked unconscious. What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin, http://www.gotquestions.org/unpardonable-sin.html, Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM). This quiz is testing out a new look, and if you notice any visual bugs please report them! The scene was filmed but was ultimately dropped from the final cut for two reasons. Kirsty backs away in horror when suddenly the doctor and nurse turn into Pinhead and the Female Cenobite, before she and Tiffany continue running. Kirsty shows Pinhead a photograph of Elliot Spencer that she took from Channard's study, and he gradually remembers that he was human. A good person? The picture was due to have a much larger budget but it decreased after financial issues with New World Pictures. Writer Peter Atkins said that despite liking Andrew Robinson as an actor he was relieved that he declined as it made the narrative work a lot better in the finished project. The term “world” simply refers to the invisible spiritual realm of evil. Thank You! It draws heavily upon, and was made by much of the same cast and crew as its precursor, Hellraiser. That isn't blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This song is basically a statement that eminem is hellbound,but is o.K with that even though heaven would be a lot better. Composer Christopher Young also returned to compose a more bombastic score larger in scope. A good person? Haha! Are you a religious person? Tony Randel directed due to his experience of working with Barker on Hellraiser. He also requested his character have eyes to help his vision, which caused some discontent with fans who derided the new design. Still have questions? Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a 1988 British-American horror film directed by Tony Randel and starring Clare Higgins, Ashley Laurence, Kenneth Cranham and Doug Bradley. One was because the filmmakers thought that having actor Doug Bradley as a normal doctor would confuse the viewers, and another was because the special effects for the scene turned out poorly, so it was decided to discard it altogether. Learn more. 4. someone that is going into a very dangerous situation. I worry about life after death. The scene was planned so that during their escape the duo run into a doctor and nurse. Get your answers by asking now. I have a child’s heart. There is nothing in Scripture that even remotely supports what you thought when you were young. You don't accidentally commit blasphemy. Randel claims the dark tone of the movie reflected his own mindset on the world at the time. Kirsty and MacRae arrive at Channard's home.