People advised me to “take one day at a time,” but the reality was that I often had to pray for God to help me make it five minutes at a time, for it was all I could handle. Barbara Harper recently posted…Do We Know God for Who He Really Is? Vous écoutez un extrait de l'édition audio Audible, God's Faithfulness: A Journey in Trusting: The Little Girl from the Logging Camp. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”, And in the RSV, we read “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.”. An example of that is His pledge to send us a Saviour. Jennifer Subscribers receive updates, newsletters, and FREE resources! It means that He always does exactly what He says He will do and acts in accordance with His nature. Psalm 16:11 promises, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”. It allows me to maintain faith in the goodness of God, even when life doesn’t go as I would desire (Hebrews 11:1). Channel 10 News gives you the bigger picture.". I always love reading your posts and this one is no different. (2Timothy 2:13) Here is how Jeremiah pleads for God’s covenant-keeping mercy: “Do not spurn us, for your name’s sake; do not dishonor your glorious throne; remember and do not break your covenant with us.” … The second thing you must do if you would like to experience God’s faithfulness is learn to listen to Him. Désolé, un problème s'est produit lors de l'enregistrement de vos préférences en matière de cookies. I am joining you in gratitude for God’s faithfulness in our lives. God’s Faithfulness Is Highlighted in Hebrews 11 In this new season, allow God to prove Himself to you and through you. Dr. Bengtson authored the award winning “Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression”and its award winning companion “Hope Prevails Bible Study.”  Her third book, “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises”will be available in September 2019 (Revell). During this time, Esther felt it was impossible for her to get out of the desperate situation she was living in and to be used of God again in missions. It served me well, especially when the doctor delivered a cancer diagnosis, and most recently when my husband shared about another health concern prompting a visit to his doctor. Countless lives were saved physically and spiritually as a result. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Here is how Jeremiah pleads for God’s covenant-keeping mercy: “Do not spurn us, for your name’s sake; Allow Him to help you intentionally build relationships focused on Him—whether with family, those in your churches, or even those in your communities. Our faithfulness is a commitment to adhere to the One God who is true and supreme and to keep His commandments. God’s principles do not change and will never fade—they are eternal. I had to seek wisdom from God to understand what I was missing (James 1:5) as well as how to better treat my patients in the future. Yet so good to hear of God’s grace through every part of the journey. When Esther was nine years old, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. Therefore, this is not an issue of His faithfulness, but of yours to obey. We can be absolutely certain about God’s faithfulness because of how He has acted throughout history. Then, after serving in Africa, another tragedy occurred, and Esther was left as a single mother with two children to raise, little money, and large debts. Those few years were the hardest of my life. Doctors told us to get our affairs in order because he had less than two years to live. Thank you for sharing Michele. Add your own encouraging post through the link below. Faithfulness is one of God’s unchanging attributes. There is no doubt that God can and will keep His promises to you because He is absolutely faithful. Thank you so much for the encouragement that both of you offer! But what should we do if we still feel insecure about our looks? Because of Daniel’s confidence that God would help him, even King Darius ended up praising God. As I’ve aged, and experienced more of life’s trials, I’m grateful that I can look back and see God’s goodness and faithfulness through each one. She is a joy and her testimony is a beautiful one of hope and the glory of God. Après avoir consulté un produit, regardez ici pour revenir simplement sur les pages qui vous intéressent. This is a true story about the journey in the life of a little girl who grew up on a logging camp located in a very remote area of Western Canada. It is a Biblical principle many in the Bible suffered and suffering brings strength, endurance and growth. Your story matters and the #TellHisStory link up continues because of you. In our own life situations, how can we make sure that we have the bigger picture? They are truly encouraging! Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Without the redemptive memory of God, we are nothing. A few years ago there was an ad on TV that started like this: There was a woman sitting in a car. As the above verse states, God is faithful to those … Your email address will not be published. What a powerful story of how the Lord has provided in the midst of so many stormy seasons where hope was stretched beyond human limits and He had to carry you. This same attribute is also implied where God reveals Himself to Moses and to Israel as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and their fathers' God (Exodus … I am grateful for my journeys too. And in the questions, He still holds us. This took him to Africa as a jungle pilot flying doctors and nurses into the villages to treat the sick and to preach God's Word. Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…When Your Plans Get Hijacked. I love knowing how He has been there for you too, Bev during your challenges. which gives us what we need to walk through the current trial. Will you trust Him to be faithful in your trials? Jeanne Takenaka recently posted…Words: Making Words Count. So how do we remain obedient to God in order to experience His faithfulness? God has been so gracious to provide opportunities in my writing life to meet other writers in real life. Nothing that happens in our lives or in the world will ever surprise Him or interrupt what He is achieving for us. Your information is safe and will never be shared. I am carrying Michelle’s words about God never wasting our pain with me too. He has never failed His people and He never will. It is, moreover, God's faithfulness as well as His immutability which is implied in those passages where God is called a rock, as being the secure object of religious trust (Deuteronomy 32:4,15; Psalms 18:2); 42:9 (Hebrew 10); Isaiah 17:10, etc.). Thank you for your support here, Jeanne! This emphasis on God’s allegiance to his own name and glory behind his allegiance to his covenant and his people, is desperately needed in a day when we are spring-loaded by nature and culture to make ourselves ultimate: “Of course, God will keep his covenant, he made it with us!”. Il y a 0 commentaire et 0 évaluations venant de France, Livraison accélérée gratuite sur des millions d’articles, et bien plus. And if you stay in the centre of His will, you will experience the very best He has to offer. Thank you for being such a sweet source of encouragement for this community. Thank you for being here today, Jennifer! She recognizes brokenness in her life and others’ and offers steps we can take as we walk with Christ through the thin places. It is so comforting to be reminded that God carries us and brings us hope. Put on five months of bedrest, kept alive on IV-hydration and nutrition, and unable to be the doctor because I had become the patient, led to a severe bout of depression. God is so faithful. I pray daily for you and your family, Michelle, and I cling to those same promises myself. There is always something more ultimate than God’s faithfulness to his covenant, namely, God’s faithfulness to God. He will also show us that we can always have faith in His faultless character. Be inspired, as I was, by the little girl from the logging camp. Then some tragic events occurred. Thanks for sharing, Michelle and Mary! He can never deny Himself, so when He promises to “sanctify you entirely” (1 Thessalonians 5:23), you can count on Him to make you more like Christ—even using the painful seasons of life to do so. Testimony after testimony of God’s faithfulness is certainly found throughout the Bible … I was able to think back on God’s faithfulness throughout my life and determine that since God had always been faithful and trustworthy, I have no reason to doubt Him now (Deuteronomy 7:9). She's minding her own business, and suddenly this man comes out of the blue, rips the door open, grabs her, and pulls her out of the car roughly. Thank you for your encouragement. Jesus came to die for our sins regardless of whether or not we thought we needed a Saviour. I love that you are part of this community, Lesley! A few years ago there was an ad on TV that started like this: There was a woman sitting in a car. Merci d’essayer à nouveau. Spread some love by visiting your neighbor and leave your own encouragement. May we join together in gratitude for God’s faithfulness. Fresh sermon illustrations and updates on new sermons, preaching articles and much more! © Copyright Mary Geisen, All Rights Reserved |, Bev @ Walking Well With God recently posted…. Many blessings to you, my friend. Yet what I have discovered is that God never wastes our pain. Tea With Jennifer recently posted…Body Beautiful. Pam Ecrement recently posted…When Our Efforts Fail.