The Reformation spread to other parts of the Swiss Confederation, but several cantons resisted, preferring to remain Catholic. “For this is the meaning they carry: this bread is that body of mine which is given for you. Other cities, including Basel, Biel, Mülhausen, Schaffhausen, and St Gallen, eventually joined the alliance. Hence, the eucharist was "a memorial of the sacrifice". The controversy continued until 1528 when efforts to build bridges between the Lutheran and the Zwinglian views began. [76], As Zwingli was working on establishing these political alliances, Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor, invited Protestants to the Augsburg Diet to present their views so that he could make a verdict on the issue of faith. His father, Ulrich, played a leading role in the administration of the community (Amtmann or chief local magistrate). Bern was not prepared to insist on the unhindered preaching or the prohibition of the pension system. Gottfried W. Locher writes, "The old assertion 'Zwingli was against church singing' holds good no longer ... Zwingli's polemic is concerned exclusively with the medieval Latin choral and priestly chanting and not with the hymns of evangelical congregations or choirs". [10], Zwingli was ordained in Constance, the seat of the local diocese, and he celebrated his first Mass in his hometown, Wildhaus, on 29 September 1506. The cantons responded with an attack at a moment when Zürich was ill-prepared, and Zwingli died on the battlefield. His legacy lives on in the confessions, liturgy, and church orders of the Reformed churches of today. He also retained his post as the people's priest of the Grossmünster. He commanded a brigade at the Battle of Jemappes (1792), and in the campaign of 1793 distinguished himself at the Action of Aldenhoven and the Battle of Neerwinden. Bern achieved the status of a free imperial city, whereas other cities such as Fribourg-Freiburg only obtained the same status later in history. Military ambitions gained an additional impetus with the competition to acquire new territory and resources, as seen for example in the Old Zürich War of 1440–1446. All of those who could afford it left the city, but Zwingli remained and continued his pastoral duties. Zürich and Bern could not agree and the Five (Catholic) States pledged only to dissolve their alliance with Austria. In 1809, he entered the War of the Fifth Coalition and inflicted Napoleon's first major setback at Aspern-Essling, before suffering a defeat at the bloody Battle of Wagram. Zwingli began to express his thoughts on the eucharist in several publications including de Eucharistia (On the Eucharist). They declared that the eucharist was not just symbolic of the meal, but they also rejected the Lutheran position that the body and blood of Christ is in union with the elements. The two forces met near Kappel, but war was averted due to the intervention of Hans Aebli, a relative of Zwingli, who pleaded for an armistice. [87] He also paid attention to the immediate context and attempted to understand the purpose behind it, comparing passages of scripture with each other. As the authorities in Rome were anxious to contain the fire started by Luther, the Bishop of Constance denied any support of Sanson and he was recalled. [12][13], Zwingli's time as the pastor of Glarus and Einsiedeln was characterized by inner growth and development.