wins Best Puppy under Larry Kereluke Winning a Group May he live long and prosper.”. The way he did it was by going a public mile in 1:59 ¼. He has been on the track four years and has never seen another horse go in ahead of him.“He was first driven when he was a four-year-old. won his Puppy Sweeps class at 9 months All rights reserved. He is an amiable and sociable horse. and a Terrier puppy group! As the dust jacket of the just-published “Crazy Good: The True Story of Dan Patch, the Most Famous Horse in America” (Charles Leerhsen; Simon & Schuster; $26) puts it: “America loved Dan Patch, who, though kind and gentle, seemed to understand that he was a superstar: he acknowledged applause from the grandstands with a nod or two of his majestic head and stopped as if to pose when he saw a camera. In that first year of his track life he went a mile in 2:16 ¼. The 67-year-old obsessive autograph hound has collected a dozen Dan Patch pictures, posters, cigar boxes, tobacco tins and lunch pails; a tobacco pouch, a deck of cards, and buttons from the ongoing Dan Patch Days in Savage. under Norwegian judge Marit Sunde. “I grew up two blocks from the [Minnesota] State Fairgrounds, which is where he set the record. Dan Patch was the world champion pacing horse from 1903 until 1938. He likes things in general. If the magnificent Big Brown becomes the first horse in three decades to win the Triple Crown on Saturday, his feat will be but a blip on America’s over-stimulated sports and entertainment radar. Specialty Sweeps under terrier breeder Stella Newby at 10 months placement under Roger Hartinger! and a new Canadian Champion at Dan Patch's sister Macintyre, Another Group placement under The Dan Patch Lines. It is an indignity to Dan Patch to buy and sell him. Winning back-to-back 3 pt Our reporters are only able to do their work thanks to support at all levels. majors on his first weekend in the U.S. under Beverley Lehnig & Marilyn Koyanagi (photos by Arnold Truax), His first Puppy Group at During the next year he brought his record down to 2:04 ½. a 4 point major at her first show! That’s why, when the news goes out that Dan Patch has paced another wonderful mile, one will find that all of Dan Patch’s human acquaintances are visibly, and sometimes hilariously, gratified. Sister "Kippen/Kippen" Dan Patch starts 2006 with a As a racehorse, Dan Patch was undefeated in his three regular seasons, losing only two heats. Showing the stack that We're getting to like this Group 2nd thing - under another old time terrier judge, David Macintyre. MinnPost | P.O. He entered the 2:00 list in 1902 with 1:59 1/2. I was one of the few people he allowed in to see his collection. It made him a more valuable commodity than he was before.“But let us forget that he is a commodity. Championship under Carol Beattie (a big picture for a big win!). Dan Patch's first Best of (look ma - no hands on the tail!) That quarter of a second which Dan Patched knocked off his record day before yesterday had a distinct money meaning. Winning Best in Copyright © 2020 Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame. He likes to listen to the band. Another Puppy Group at Growing up, I’d always heard the name, `The Great Dan Patch,’ and somewhere along the line I saw the movie (“The Great Dan Patch,” 1949), which was pretty good. Show under Merlin Vandekinder In 1903 he paced to bike sulky in 1:56 and to wagon in 1:57 His sire was Joe Patchen, his dam, Zelica. Marit Sunde, Dan Patch wins another big one I don’t have any other [items] by any other horses; he’s the only one who captured my fancy.” Ashworth shows his visitor a pristine cigar tin embossed with a picture of the horse-and-buggy icon.“I paid $26 for this; I picked it up from Joe Egan, who had a relative who worked with Dan Patch and he invited me to his house to see his collection. Explore … Last show as a puppy, Dan P Retired teacher Jim Ashworth has filled his St. Paul home with beloved Dan Patch memorabilia. He died several years ago. Savage — is further testament to that simplicity, as illustrated by this quixotic editorial from the Chicago Tribune, published the day after Dan Patch set the world record for a mile:“DAN PATCH, CHAMPION”“Dan Patch is only 7 years old, but he has thousands of friends who will be rejoiced to hear that by pacing a mile in 1:59 he has established a world record.“It is no wonder that Dan Patch has friends. He had a lot of stuff, because they merchandised Dan Patch. No, police reform won’t be on Minneapolis voters’ ballots in 2020. In 1901 Dan Patch was purchased by M. E. … Leerhsen, a Sports Illustrated editor, will be appearing June 21 during Dan Patch Days in Savage, Minn. Never mind Sea Biscuit, Dan Patch is the only horse to make its way into Ashworth’s sprawling collection.