She also writes and directs online sketches that have amassed over 100M views. I found out Catie Wilkins was playing a gig literally 5 minutes from my house. She has written for, presented and appeared on various BBC programmes including R4s Digital Human Series, Comedy Regressions and Scotland on the Couch, and written for The Guardian, The Daily Mash, and Standard Issue Magazine. This podcast is named Drunk Women Solving Crime and it can be listened to on platforms such as Castbox, Spotify, iTunes, and more. Simon was also the star of her “This is your life” segment. He came out and told us his “crazy” stories from Glastonbury, but the only people laughing seemed to be the people that ran the club and the nervous people at the front. With her? Now this was a spur of the moment decision and I had been “out” most of the afternoon so my memory isn’t all that good ! I feel both guilty and proud that my suggestion made her change the title, as this one is better by far. Her routine near the end about Lady Gaga’s song where no matter how drunk she is, she sorts it all out with a little dance was hilarious, as was her secret lesbian salute! The Edinburgh preview season in June and July is my favourite time of year. I had seen Catie perform an early version of this show last year when it was called “Inheritance Tax”. If anything it makes her more endearing. Afterwards I had a brief chat with Rich and Catie and as promised to Neale, got him a programme, as Richard has a surfeit of them from 10 years ago. It’s nice when pubs get jealous of each other. At the end, as an audience, we are asked to declare our love for our cocks. We also think about our dad’s spunking cocks quite a lot. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He retreived a couple and disappeared into his secret room for 5 seconds. Actually he was shit. Anyway, I decided to hit Shoreditch to the Storytellers’ Club to see Michael Legge. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. They have a son and a daughter. God they wind me up. But as a successful stand-up comedian and writer, she must have earned a considerable amount of money. Catie Wilkins is a writer, comedian, screenwriter and children’s books author. An award winning screenwriter specialising in children’s TV and comedy. This was the 3rd tie in a week and a half that I’ve seen Richard’s preview of “Talking Cock – The Second Coming“. but decided to run with it. Catie’s husband is Richard Herring. And for the third time in a row I was the only one! Herring & me. Most of his material seemed to be in jokes though. Watching: Better Call Saul on Netflix (and also re-watching Community for the millionth time), Listening to: The Adam Buxton Podcast (and Elmo’s Song).