No, I wanted to do it once and do it right. It will provide you with everything you need for MCAT success in one bundle. I also remembered that the first time I took the MCAT in 2017, I spent wayyyy too much time figuring out a study plan and neurotically tracking my progress in an excel sheet. I could always email or text him in between our sessions when I had a question regarding a specific practice problem or if we had to adjust my study schedule because of my school exams. I loved being able to get a suggested study schedule and then to be able to see how much I had done and how much more I needed to do. full-length MCAT practice exams. Webinar. Featuring over 2800 discrete questions and 1200 passage based-questions, split between science and CARS passages, our QBank will help you stay on top of your content review and practice. No, both times that I took the MCAT was studying with Next Step’s online course; however, I hadn’t been rigorous with the study schedule the first time I took the test, and it showed in my score. Yes. When I saw that Next Step’s online course included 10 full tests and also AAMC’s resources in the price, I knew Next Step was the test prep course I needed. 2. Next Step has so many different tools to help you earn a successful MCAT score. Our MCAT blog was created to reflect this value. While I was studying for the MCAT with Next Step I was working part-time at the hospital, taking a full class load, running cross country, and participating in Habitat for Humanity. I chose Next Step because it is one of two companies my school’s Health Professions Advisory Office recommends, and of those two it is the only one with professional tutors whose job is test preparation, not just successful students. MCAT Prep Course: Online MCAT Course I would say that if you do Next Step you will be confident going into the test and feel very prepared. Get the most representative MCAT practice possible when you sign up for our free MCAT This allows you to personalize your study sessions to address your individual strengths and weaknesses. Discover proven stress management strategies for the MCAT from someone who has been in your shoes! 5. Whether. 4. Our articles are written by the same MCAT experts who write our MCAT books, MCAT practice exams, and our MCAT course materials. “The tremendous amount of resources available in QBanks, online classes etc. On top of that, the content books were very detailed and condensed, but were written in a very inviting way in my opinion. I chose Next Step because the Study Planner tool let me build and tweak my study schedule to fit my needs each week. Because of Next Step, my score was more than 15 points higher than on my first practice test.”. Name: Judy W. I did self-study for about four months prior to enrolling in the Next Step course. The course testimonials below reference the Next Step Online MCAT Course. Get the best of Next Step and Blueprint MCAT combined! At Blueprint, we believe in educating first. Written by: Halley Darrach, a member of the Blueprint MCAT Pre-Med Advisory Council and a former member of the Admissions Committee at John Hopkins School of Medicine. I attempted to self-study along with books, this went all right but was not nearly as efficient as I hoped. Our questions follow the same structure and format of the AAMC questions, with an extra focus on the post-2015 updates. How to Use Anki: A Powerful Tool for MCAT Review. With Next Step, having a tailored study schedule and a tutor who would frequently check-in gave me the sense of accountability that I needed. Mine was repetition through both Next Step’s and AAMC’s practice tests and having quick topic-summarizing videos to jog my memory, but there are course books, question banks, workbooks, course videos all included in the course that can be very helpful to any person studying for the MCAT. From start to finish I felt prepared and confident thanks to the QBanks and full-length tests.”. I never thought I would score a 512 (2 points higher than my target score!) (e.g. I looked through basically all the brand name prep courses but decided to go with Blueprint due to both its presentation of material and cost. 5. I also really liked the study plan function and wanted to add some additional structure to my studying, particularly during the pandemic. Had you taken the MCAT before and/or studied any other way? The incredible flexibility of the Next Step course was my primary draw, as I figured my schedule during the semester would vary widely and I would need to adapt my MCAT study schedule on the fly. If so, why do you feel Next Step worked where the others had failed? They emphasized the thoroughness of the program, the ease of use, and the thousands of test prep questions and numerous full-length practice exams. With a heavy course load, volunteering, shadowing, and MCAT prep, pre-meds can easily become victims of chronic stress. I enjoyed the test answer explanations, as they included a direct excerpt to the study material that explained the specific concept that the question was testing. I really liked that Next Step includes textbooks with study content as well as practice material. What types of questions are in the QBank? Ultimately, I decided that a self-paced course with hard copy textbooks as well as online resources would be best for me. When Should I Take My First MCAT Full-Length? The flexible scheduling was a huge plus for me. Name: Jordan O. I loved the calendar, the videos, and the clean interface/books. © 2009-2020 Blueprint LSAT. The first time I took the MCAT, I self-studied and received a 505. I learned what to look for when reading through the passage and HOW to read passages in the most effective way for myself. What aspects of the Next Step course did you enjoy the most? It is very helpful as a busy college student to have someone helping to plan a test prep schedule and keep you on track. Before using Blueprint I reviewed content independently from a set of Kaplan review books. NextStep gives so many opportunities practice taking the test and answering questions. Score Increase: +12. I typically start off by telling them that after using the Next Step course I had an 11-point increase in my MCAT score. Next Step works with you to achieve the goal you have in mind. I found that I focused too much on reviewing the material and did not spend enough time practicing “how” to take the MCAT. But, I did chip away at content review for a few months prior to enrolling in Next Step. When Should I Take My MCAT Diagnostic Exam? You know the material, but you need help preparing for the actual test and testing environment, and Next Step provides the best preparation for MCAT test day. I would advise them to know their studying style and pick a course that fits your needs. But I was reading so many detailed notes that I didn’t know what the big picture or main principles were, so I was trying to rote memorize details to apply on FLs. Incredibly passive and ineffective learning. Freshman MCAT Prep . Score Increase: +11. 2. I chose Blueprint because I knew that Next Step had reputable FLs, but primarily because the videos/post-video quizzes were unique. Next Step was the only prep program I used for the MCAT, so I have no other program to compare it to. Sometimes, I felt like the content review books were more effective than some of my college courses. Set up a free consultation with Well, I harped on the adaptability of the program. When Should I Take My MCAT Diagnostic Exam? Score Increase: +17. What College Classes will Help You on the MCAT. It also provided a sound structure and template from which to study. I have only prepared for and taken the exam once. Secrets to a 99th-Percentile MCAT Score-September 2020, Medical School Applications Are Up Amid COVID Pandemic. We worked hand-in-hand with experts to create the tools you need to help you get a high score on the MCAT. It also encouraged me to take a lot of practice tests which was really helpful. There is no fixed classroom schedule, no one checking in on your progress, and no timelines you have to meet. Our articles are written by the same MCAT experts who write our MCAT books, MCAT practice exams, and our MCAT course materials. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. It was incredibly satisfying to mark things as done on the study schedule as well, plus it was a good visual representation for what I had left to do. Much of standardized testing is being familiar with the testing style and Next Step gives you plenty of opportunities to practice with multiple mock exams. Next Step prepared me phenomenally…My final score increase was 11 points over my original (Note: 15 points over diagnostic), to a 510, and could not be happier with the results. I enjoyed creating my own schedule, having review sessions that covered content and how to tackle particular test passages, the emphasis on preparing yourself for the timing of questions on the MCAT, and the full-length practice tests. I used Kaplan’s self-paced study program to prep for my first MCAT attempt and scored a 499. That alone was already a selling point! I had previously taken the MCAT and attempted another company’s course. They loved it + I'm blown away by what they did Day 1! I found the diagnostic exam to be very representative of how the actual l MCAT is supposed to look and function. 5. Name: Pablo C. Why did you choose Next Step (now Blueprint MCAT)? The calendar really helped me balance content review with practice questions and passages, and kept me up to date with when officer hours were taking place and what subject they were covering. I think by like the 4th practice test I how to handle everything and strategize how much effort to put into each section, so I’m glad I took so many. (e.g., attempted to self-study or took another company’s course?). From the very beginning of the course, Next Step really drove home that a carefully kept lessons learned journal and a thorough review of all practice material, especially full-length practice tests, was crucial for success. I completely agree. Therefore I ventured into the realm of the prep courses and decided to take a chance on the blueprint course. @DPCDSB_BFA . The planner definitely helped keep me on track. Name: Cooper H. Name: James B. MCAT Prep Course: Online MCAT Course MCAT Prep Course: Online MCAT Course On my diagnostic exam, I received a score of a 498. Score Increase: +11. I found Next Steps price to be very competitive considering the resources included. All other popular testing organizations and their styles had already been familiar to me because they also offer study tools for AP exams, the SAT, etc. It gave me ideas for other study sheets that I made on my own. He helped me to stay on track and also go over a lot of the tough concepts from Physics and Chemistry that I had taken a few years ago. Name: Katherina T. There are endless resources to use and I wouldn’t change anything about it. I found myself pretty interested in topics I normally would find pretty boring, which I’m sure helped my knowledge recall quite a bit. Next Step gave me the tools I needed to review and practice for the MCAT. That “lessons learned” terminology which represents a mindset geared towards growth and improvement by learning from mistakes really clicked with me. Our MCAT blog was created to reflect this value. MCAT Prep Course: Online MCAT Course While that might have worked for some, it clearly was not sufficient for me. I looked into other preparation companies, but Next Step seemed to offer more. I don’t think I failed at other attempts to study or exhausted other options; I think I just knew after listening to the Dr. Gray podcast and doing some research on the internet that the Next Step course was a good option for me to achieve MCAT success.