Axe and Wendy's bond solidifies as he recalls a pivotal moment. Axe makes a big decision. When he meets a very rich woman and fellow capitalist vulture named Rebecca at a robotics pitch, he begins to see another plan. So, like I said, everyone is sharing beds right now. Axe, of course, isn’t the only one making more power plays. She reams him out for forcing his way into a partnership, takes back half of her shares, and then goes to lunch with him. So Taylor uses Axe to do the dirty work. Taylor pursues a new business venture. Watch Season 4 of Billions on, where you can stream episodes of your favorite original series, movies, documentaries, boxing matches, stand-up comedy, and more. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. The sex may or may not be part of the plan, but it does tell us that Axe and Rebecca are ready to work together in a number of ways. “You hungry?” he asks, smiling. Wendy deals with the consequences of Chuck's actions. He knows a good partnership when he sees one. Thank Grigor Andolov for that. He needs a true partnership with someone who can help him take Taylor down. Calling one of the banks that rejected Taylor Mason Capital for a loan — the same bank Bobby bailed out on the bad robot deal — Mason implies that the Kozlovs have bought in when in fact the deal has not yet been done. Billions premiere recap: It's a fresh start, and the same old enemies, for Chuck and Axe By Kyle Fowle S3 E12 Recap “I could eat,” she replies, smiling back. And both men are addicted to power, plain and simple — it’s their arousal template. One thing is clear though: she’ll let him in on Eureka, and she’ll sleep with him. Taylor considers going into business with an unexpected partner. Taylor, attempting to outmaneuver Axe, meets with Grigor. Chuck quickly learns that Raul is Bobby’s guy, and that Bobby is running the pension fund behind the scenes, using a surrogate hedge-funder named Michael Panay (Hari Dhillon) as a cat’s paw. There’s always one question, above all else, that Chuck and Axe have to be asking themselves: who are they comfortable getting into bed with? In chess, zugzwang occurs when it’s your move, but your opponent has cannily set you up to dig yourself deeper into defeat. Axe helps Rebecca with a business venture. It doesn’t take long for Axe to keep scheming though. For Axe, there is an ancillary bonus. Still, there’s a sense that the real power plays have yet to come. 30 essential albums from the last 30 years. Connerty reconnects with a figure from his past. As he has threatened many times, and proved last week by orchestrating the abduction of Wags, that menacing Russian will stop at nothing to protect his investment in Taylor’s company. Chuck begins work in a new position. Taylor puts in a sneaky call to the Patriot Trust bank, knowing that they’ll go right back to Axe with the information that the Kozlovs are about to invest in Taylor Mason Capital. Taking their money could be bad news, but not taking their money could end up offending Grigor, who could then leave with his money. Wendy suffers a blow that could jeopardize her career. But, he does offer up an alternative, which is getting rid of Michael Panay, the disgraced investor that both Axe and Chuck have had run-ins with, who helps run the fund under Gomez. Axe contends with difficulties at Axe Capital. Sure enough, this is just the first stage of Axe’s plan. Or, so he says. Their blood money could keep the company afloat, yes. This gets back to Axe, who instructs the bank to pull all its cash from the Kozlovs, leaving them with no money to loan even if Taylor wanted them to. He wants in on some of what she’s got just to be a team. For these billionaires it’s foreplay. Taylor receives an important guest. As Axe says, “everybody wins…and maybe Panay loses.” With that deed done, Chuck makes his move, asking Sansome to endorse his run for Attorney General, an offer that Sansome is quick to agree to. Then, Axe gives that video to a reporter he has in his pocket, and it makes the news. There’s nothing wrong with Chuck relishing in his victory, in getting one step closer to reclaiming his throne. On top of all that, Grigor isn’t upset, but rather impressed. It’s a question with a literal and figurative meaning. Taylor then turns to Grigor, saying that the bad news is that the Kozlovs have no money. It’s cold, but Rudy isn’t a great trader. The two instantly have chemistry; they’re basically the same person. That’s precisely the kind of behavior she ridiculed as the province of “sexual panhandlers” at the party, as prompted by Bonnie (an excellent Sarah Stiles), the big-haired, bawdy trader who manspreads during her therapy sessions and insists that no woman wants a whiner. There’s all sorts of power and influence swirling around, from Axe and Rebecca’s new financial and sexual relationship to Bryan threatening to ruin Chuck during his run for A.G. Then, there’s Wendy. Wendy weighs her options. Taylor, feeling confident and like they earned Grigor’s respect, tells him to use his influence to get the banks back on her side so that Taylor Mason Capital isn’t solely reliant on his money. But he’s in big trouble if he forgets the ruthless queen who helped get him there. Senior makes a shocking discovery. The two go into business by splitting her share of an industrial cleaning company, then have sex to celebrate. Chuck sets his sights on a new position. He tells them that he has some friends, the Kozlovs, who can give them the money they need for the Quant program, so Taylor takes a meeting. Wags gets in touch with his sensitive side. Connerty formulates a plan to go after Chuck. Taylor does what it takes to keep their new company afloat. Taylor is forced to come up with a plan where they accept the money, but the Kozlovs are unable to follow through. And as Taylor Mason’s ruthless new right-hand woman, Sara Hammon (Samantha Mathis), realizes in this week’s episode of “Billions,” zugzwang is the name of the game for every player on the board right now. Axe, still focused on wrecking Taylor and their new company, hits it off with a venture capitalist. Wendy and Taylor each prep for a big day. As they say, all is fair in love and war. Axe is surprised by a visitor from his past. Axe discovers a trap set for him by Taylor. Taylor does what it takes to keep their new company afloat. Chuck and Wendy navigate marital issues. They make up when he agrees to give half of her shares back, plus the profits on them, in exchange for her promise not to float Taylor any money herself. March TV Calendar: Series Return and Premiere Dates.