It can be more challenging to realize that you're not alone in what you're dealing with. What I didn't know at the time was that this is a reality for many remote workers. (Here's more proof that exercise boosts brainpower.). But the novelty of these work-from-home perks can wear off quickly. As the world becomes more digital, many of us are working from home. It is true that most people love the flexibility that comes with working from home: getting up and going to sleep at times that are dictated more by one's personal body clock and tastes can be wonderfully liberating. This creates discipline, she explains. While working from home can provide an amazing sense of freedom and flexibility as well as a no-cost commute, there are pitfalls and hidden stressors to be aware of. If you are not able to stick to your old routine, why not create something new? Over a period of time though, many people who were joyous about working from home start feeling like they are burning out too soon or too often. WE’D all love to give up our commutes and earn money from home. If you wait until you feel like working, the distractions will come from all sides and swallow up your time, so setting a schedule and sticking to it is a vital component of working from home for most people. While many people who work from home are self-employed, it can be paradoxically difficult to remain true to your personal goals when you have so many distractions and energy drains. You may also feel more energized in tackling these challenges head-on and minimizing some of the stress that comes with them. Working from home is triggering my agoraphobia Venting I have panic disorder, with agoraphobia and although throughout time the extent of the agoraphobia come and goes in waves (grocery stores I feel will always be hard for me), I felt like I had reached a point where it was manageable and I could somewhat function as a normal human being. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Work out at home in an open area or at a nearby park if that’s allowed. However, the point is that it's up to you to make your work experience pleasant, for you to keep yourself feeling appreciated (even if you yourself are the only one who appreciates you), and make forward momentum a regular part of your life. Being outdoors and breathing in fresh air definitely lifts up the mood. Shape is part of the Instyle Beauty Group. I know because I experienced it firsthand. First, remember that self-care isn't just something you practice only when you feel stressed; self-care means making the decision to invest in taking care of yourself as a regular practice, explains McDonald. After all, it's easy to let exercise take a backseat when you're in the comfort of your home all day. What Is Stressful About Working From Home? Get into a routine and do something every day just for yourself. ), when you need to get up and go to sleep, when to log off of social media, and more can feel like true liberation. While most people may enjoy having the freedom to choose who they interact with each day (and love to avoid listening to office gossip, complaints, and politics), they may be surprised by the isolation they feel when their interactions aren't automatic and they need to put in an effort to see anyone at all. Some starting points: Make sure you have a strong internet connection, good lighting, a comfy chair, and an inventory of supplies so you're not wasting time looking for stuff. When you are not talking about work, it helps break the ice. You can shake things up in your routine every day, every three days, or even every few weeks—whatever works for you. "Plan ahead as to what is the easiest way to feel good, nurtured, and cared for in your situation.". ", Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. For the most part, it's on you to decide when to clock in, clock out, and practice self-care. Sleeping in a little longer because you don’t have to commute to work any more or just feeling comfortable working from your living room at your own pace. (Hint: Rewards don't need to be food-based to be rewarding!). Working from home could mean that you may feel your productivity dropping. For Katie, it was far from the dream she imagined. And since I worked from my apartment, I struggled to "switch off" once the workday was over. You can only do for others as you do for yourself. Interestingly, there are several factors associated with working from home that both increase and decrease stress. For instance, a regular mindfulness practice—even if it's just a daily five-minute prayer, breathing practice, or meditation—can serve as self-care. These experiences may come as a surprise to someone who is new to working at home, but they are commonly experienced. For some of us, routine and rhythm gives comfort. Some of us freelance, others telecommute, and still others have dedicated themselves to full-time caretaking. The problem is that there can be interruptions all day, and work hours need to be hours and not a succession of interrupted clusters of a few minutes at a time as few of us work as efficiently this way. It can also make you more wakeful during the night. The article details some reasons for cause of anxiety while working from home and some tips to reduce it. This is especially true now that places like cafes and libraries are temporarily closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving fewer ways to change the scenery between work and downtime, notes Wright. "For example, light a candle during work hours and blow it out when you're done," suggests Wright. Once the workday is over, leave your to-dos in that designated space so you can mentally disconnect from work and properly recharge, says Wright. Part of this stress experienced by those highly mobile workers may be due to the fact that those who work from home face a host of challenges that are unique to this particular setup. While we may not need to resort to painting a face on a volleyball and talking to it, the feelings of isolation can sneak up and we can feel more alone than we expect. Consider not working at home at all. (Here's how to use visualization to achieve *all* of your goals this year.). All Rights Reserved. Here's more on these and other widespread sources of stress for those who live where they work, have zero commute time, and may not realize that they are not alone in the surprising sources of stress they face. "Create some type of accountability [that works for] your personality style," suggests McDonald. Making sure that you have 1-2 calls, minimum, per day with other people is helpful to your mental health and overall sanity and connection.". Get it FREE when you sign up for our newsletter. As Shape previously reported, regularly changing your workouts not only keeps your body guessing (and progressing), it can also help you avoid injuries. "Communication is key, period," says Wright. There are several useful tricks for doing so, however, from calendars and apps to detailed to-do lists. Fortunately, there are many tools at your disposal and you are not alone in experiencing stress from working at home. Working from home gave me crippling anxiety. If you work from home and feel a bit too alone, it's important that you take responsibility for your own social life. I'd made a big move to Boston with my then-boyfriend from Des Moines, and fortunately, my employers had allowed me to continue working for them remotely. By focusing on what you can do to mitigate this stress, you can enjoy the added benefits of a work-from-home situation without the added stress. Eating mindfully and on time everyday, also improves your mental health greatly. Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, international bestselling author and host of the Mentally Strong People podcast. "This is especially true for those who are used to going to an office and seeing people every day," she notes. Working from home sounds like the dream job that you always wanted to have. Again, it can be challenging to set boundaries in these situations, and those boundaries may be constantly challenged. Actually, taking a step back, it's a great idea to break tasks down into smaller, workable steps. Team spirit cannot be built by discussing work all the time. It can also get out of hand and feel stressful, however, to be free from the structure that once felt confining. Eurofound and the International Labour Office (2017), Working Anytime, Anywhere: The Effects on the World of Work, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, and the International Labour Office, Geneva. This is notable because poor sleep can create significant stress throughout the day for several reasons. In other words: "If you're not a morning person, don't try to work out at 6 a.m.," she says. Write a gratitude journal or spend time with people who genuinely make you happy. Keeping shorter goals can improve your focus. You have to remember that although the work that you do is the same, the working conditions are different now.